My Life...My Ramblings

I do not know how often I will post or how interesting it will be but it's "My Life...My Ramblings"

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Location: Canada

Monday, June 14, 2010


I'v thought about starting this again but I don't think i can. I have been away for a long time and most if not all of my contacts and the blogs i found worth following have moved on. I don;t have the energy to put the effort into developing new online relationships. I also no longer have the desire to share. The road of life has not led to where i expected to be and i'm not at all sure where it is going. All i know is confusion when i feel that all is well I discover that its not and when i feel thats is not good i'm told that its at its best. The only realization I have come to is that TV and Movies have screwed up most peoples ideas of what a relationship should be everyone wants the story book romance from the movies but it just doesn't exist in real life. If may for a short time but it never lasts like in the movies and no one wants to work at it anymore. They are all to quick to say oh well its time to call the lawyers because they are looking for something better. Only to discover that what they had was the best. You just have to work for it. And what s the deal with the i'll change you mentality? you go to a marriage councilor because one of you say there is a problem and they then get pissed because the councilor gives them exercises to try and not their partner. Its not my fault they suggested you try something did you really think that 100% of any issue you think we have is all my fault?
Anyway i'm rambling i'm not sure if i will post again who knows.....