My Life...My Ramblings

I do not know how often I will post or how interesting it will be but it's "My Life...My Ramblings"

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Location: Canada

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


Tuesday, June 28, 2005


After some loud bitching I convinced our neighbors to finally mow their lawn. Yah for me! My lawn is currently weed free but theirs is not. There’s is covered and they do not care for their lawn it has not been mowed yet this summer and all the weeds have gone to seed and where do you thing the seeds are ending up? On the weekend while they were on their patio with some friends enjoying the weather and I went out in to our garden and very loudly complained about their garden and what it will do to mine. As soon as their company left I could hear the mower going and I looked out ant they were finally mowing the lawn. No I don’t feel bad for guilting or embarising them into it in front of their friends. I wish I had done it sooner.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Student Loans

It’s that time of month again. The time that I really hate. It’s time to make my student loan payments. It is never ending. Being under the shadow of student loan debt is very depressing. It makes my life very difficult. I am so fed up with friends and family saying you have a good job paying good money how come you keep saying you have no money? The reason I have no money is it all goes back to the government in the form of student loan payments and of course taxes. One third of my paycheck is deducted for taxes, UI etc… and then I have to pay out what is equal to a mortgage payment in student loan payments and that really sucks. Sometimes when I get a new teller at the bank I have to resist the urge to deck them not because I am paying the loans but because they always ask the same stupid question “Did you ever consider consolidating?” let me see Duh!? Hello!!! I have tried many times and your fucking bank tells me every single time that I am rejected because my debt load is to high and adding another loan will only make it worse. So stop asking me unless you can do something about it! What I don’t under stand is how will a consolidation loan make my debt load worse? You would think that if I could get a loan to cover my student loans then I would only have one loan and one payment and that would make things a bit better? The loans officer at the bank told me that even though the new loan would wipe out the old loans the bank when processing the new application looks at the old loans combined with the new. Now isn’t that stupid? On paper they have doubled the amount that I owe and because of this I get rejected.
Ok as I can feel my blood pressure rising I am going to end it here and look at the positive I don’t have to thing about it again until next month.

Friday, June 24, 2005

TEN: words/sentences you love to say

I’m borrowing this from a blog I was reading yesterday as I liked the idea.
If anyone visits my blog please say hi and live your list?

TEN: words/sentences you love to say:

1. Cool
2. Uh hugh (its more a grunt then a word)
3. Think of the fun your having
4. freak
5. yes dear
6. your such a pain in the ass
7. Right on.
8. ya baby
9. oh give me a break
10. ohhh my

Sorry for not giving credit to the blog I got the idea from. I can't remember which one it was.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


I’m new to the bloging world and I have been exploring other blogs at random looking for those worth a return visit. While exploring today I noticed what I thought were a lot of horse racing stats blogs. Is there that much interest or was it just random luck that I hit so many today?

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


Ok, everyone has different ways of doing things. If each different approach to something in the end gets the same results everyone should be happy right? One would think so but most of us including myself look at things as my way is better and if it is not done that way then you are not happy. This is constantly happening at work but I will leave that for another post at another time. Today I am thinking about the dishwasher. My wife and I load the dishwasher in very similar ways. We scrape/rinse off anything big and put the dishes in the machine in a certain order i.e.: plates are together bowls are together etc… My mother in law was over for supper and offered to help with the dishes and she has a completely different approach to the dishwasher. Nothing is scraped/rinsed off and there is no particular order to the way the dishes are put in. When she finished filling the dishwasher it looked like someone through everything in closed the door and them picked up the dishwasher and shook it around. My personal experience with this type of dishwasher use almost always ends up with dishes coming out with food caked on. If the machine does not get turned on right away I wait until she leaves and then redo it all.
Don’t get me wrong I’m glad she offered and went through the trouble but every time she helps with the dishes I want to scream. Why do we let little things such as this bother us so much?

Junk mail

What is it with the amount of junk mail I get with Hotmail? I have an account with hotmail that I only use to stay in touch with family and friends. I do not use it for anything else and have never signed up for any mailing lists or used it to enter any contests etc...
Every Day I am bombarded with junk mail. I also have a Yahoo account and a Gmail account I use these accounts more often and for everything email groups/lists, contests, shopping, newsletters etc... I get less junk main in my yahoo and gmail accounts combined then hotmail. Why is this? One would think that as the yahoo and gmail accounts are given out on a regular basis they would attract more junk mail.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Blank again

Why does my mind go blank when I sit at my computer and say I am going to write a post to my blog now? During the day I have much to say but when I get to the computer I go blank. It reminds me of my college journalism classes struggling to come up with story ideas. What would my journalism professor say to me now?

Saturday, June 18, 2005

rainy weekend

Doesn’t it suck how the weather can rune your plans? This was a four day weekend for me and I had planned to spend most of it working in the garden but it’s raining with no end in sight. The forecast does not show any sun coming until Wednesday. So now it’s housework, housework, housework. Don’t get me wrong I don’t mind the housework but when it's something that has to be done then thats work and thats just no fun.

Thursday, June 16, 2005


As a father how do you adjust to the changes in your children as they get older? Especially if you have girls. Today my wife says we will soon need to get M a training bra. I say what? As she is only 7 and my wife says haven't you noticed she is stating to get bigger and things are starting to form? I can honestly say yes I new she was getting older and her interests are evolving but NO I never noticed the hormonal changes.
As I think about it I am dreading the next few years because we all know what it's like to start dating and having that first crush. She has not started that yet but it's not to far off as she is now into music and the current style and of course starting to show interest in boys. When she sees certain guys on TV she says they are cute her face turns red and she lets out an embarrassed giggle. She already spends as much time on the phone as a teenager.
What is a father to do? I don't know if I'm ready for this but then is any parent ever ready?

Monday, June 13, 2005

My Fist Entry

OK so this is my first post. So where do I start? My Life? My Ramblings?
Would you believe that as I was creating this blog my mind was full of possible things I could talk about but now that it exists and I stare at the posting screen my mind is blank. So I will end it here for now.