My Life...My Ramblings

I do not know how often I will post or how interesting it will be but it's "My Life...My Ramblings"

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Location: Canada

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

It's officially sucks its over!

My vacation that is! As of today my vacation is over back ot the old grind tomorrow.
I can't complane to much though because we had fun.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

more rambling

My friend W and I were talking today over drinks of rye and we have come to the conclusion that we and especially me are fed up with dealing with the masquerade that people in our lives put on for us. I am tired of putting up with the bullshit, lack of honesty and the two faced show that people do to each other. As you can tell from my previous post about family I am fed up with the ones mentioned in that post and some others not mentioned as they were not involved in that particular topic. I am also fed up with people who claim to be friends. I should clarify some of them truly are friends but they have no clue about the realties of life. My wife and I are friends with another couple who do not have any kids while we have two. They regularly call last minute asking us to do things if we can we will but not all things are family oriented. One of their regular requests is “Hey we are going to club &^%$ for some drinks why don’t you come with us?” Our normal response is we would love to but it is almost 11pm and we don’t have a babysitter. They then counter with “are you sure?” Are we sure? Ok what are our choices: 1. no. would love to go but to late to get a sitter. Or 2. OK we will take the kids to the bar and all get wasted or 3. OK we will lock the kids in the closed and see you in 10 minutes. They have no concept of responsibility. They funny thing is they just found out they are having a baby and don’t have a clue what they are in for. They can kiss the spur of the moment night outs good bye now.
The other type is the one who says give us a call and when you do they are too busy to talk at the moment say they will call you back and you never hear from them. This was a reoccurring situation with another couple “M and T” and I got fed up and said lets not call and see if they call us. It’s been almost two years and I ran into “M” this week and after catching each other up on what’s happened in the last two years he says you and the little lady should stop by “T” would love to see you and the kids give us a call. All I say in reply was “sounds good we should do that” but the whole time I was thinking if you really wanted to see us where the fuck were you for the last two years and what’s wrong with your phone that it can only receive incoming calls and not make outgoing calls? I am betting that it will be another year before we run in to them again and the same conversation will repeat itself. The last type I will mention right now are the selfish ones who are only interested if they are getting something out of the relationship. My wife and I are the type to bend over backwards to help some and people tend to take advantage of it. In the past year I have been changing my attitude towards this and have been becoming less and less helpful to certain people. It’s not that I don’t want to help but I am tired of helping people who show no gratitude and run and hide when someone else needs help. You know the type I’m talking about you only hear from them when they need something and when they get it they vanish until their next crises. My wife is fed up with it to but she still will stop everything to help these people while I won’t and it has caused some very interesting conversations at home. My attitude now is if the person is genuine I will help everyone else can go somewhere else.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Happiness is

Pizza and beer! I am at home with a pizza and beer my wife is out and the kids are in bed asleep. I have peice and quite. What else could I ask for?

Friday, August 12, 2005


It’s official I’m no on vacation! Three weeks off with no plans just going to play it by ear see what happens and see where the wind blows us. So far since I have gotten home today I have heard “Can we go swimming” at least a thousand times. So that will be our first outing tomorrow.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

The 9 most important men in a woman's life

This email is going around and I thought I would post it here and add a tenth.

The 9 most important men in a woman's life

1. THE DOCTOR: because he says, "Take your clothes off."
2. THE DENTIST: because he says, "Open wide."
3. THE HAIRDRESSER: because he says,"Do you want it teased or blown?".
4. THE MILKMAN: because he says, "Do you want it in the front or the back?"
5. THE INTERIOR DECORATOR: because he says, "Once it's in, you'll love it!"
6. THE STOCK BROKER: because he says, "It will rise right up, fluctuate for a while, and then slowly fall back again."
7. THE BANKER: because he says, "If you take it out too soon, you'll lose interest.
8. THE HUNTER: (our favorite) because he goes deep in the bush, shoots twice, and always eats what he shoots.
9. THE TELEPHONE GUY: because he says, "Would you like it on the table or up against the wall?

10. ME: because I do all the above and more!

What is it about family?

What is it about family that really stresses you out? For those few that read this blog you know I have not been feeling right and have been unable to place the feeling. Well I think I have it placed and I think it is the stresses of dealing with family. No not my imitate family (wife and kids) but the extended family of brothers, sisters, brother in law, sister in law etc… What is it about family that makes you want to cringe? If a friend asks you for help or you ask a friend for help you will go out of your way to help each other. Put someone from the extended family in the place of the friend and you do everything you can to run and hide. In my case the family I married into is driving me crazy and I mean crazy. With out going into too much detail they are really messed up. Almost none of them are employed and therefore have all the free time in the world, which makes me jealous because I work full time and being that I work in television I work long shifts and overtime (the news dosen't stop for anyone). This causes problems for me because my kids say why can’t we do things like so and so does? We do things but not as many because they are at it all day everyday while we do it after work and on weekends. Since I am working they all think I have money to throw away. Ok I make good money but I have a “better” debt load. The majority still lives at home with mommy and don’t have the same expenses I have. I pay the mortgage, heat and light, phone, car payment, food all other loans and bills. There mommy pays it all for them. Think of the money I would have if I did not have to pay those things. They have more miscellaneous spending money than I do. Now I am not saying there is anything wrong with still living at home but when you do not contribute to the household I have a problem with it especially when I am constantly being asked to do things for that house and they do not return the help. I am routinely asked to come over and mow the lawn, do repairs, move furniture etc… I DO NOT MIND HELPING but when there are three adults living with mommy why should I? I should not have to do it. But I am expected to do it because they are all too lazy to. Would you want to go to someone’s house when asked to help clean out the basement to have three people there lying on the couch watching TV while you are working? I do not! They are all capable of pushing a broom and carrying boxes. Why should I when they will not they live there not me. My mother in law is constantly asking me to do such things and about two months ago I decided to stop helping and that is when I started to slowly sink down. Each time I have been asked I have voiced my opinion that so and so is quite capable of doing what I was asked to. After a while I also started adding that it’s about time that they start to contribute. So far all that has happened is that I feel guilty for not helping but I shouldn’t. And I am being made out to be the bad one because I am stirring up the pot oh! and get this I am being blamed because she had to hire someone to mow the lawn. Can you believe she had to hire someone because I would not do it? Why should I when she has three people between the age of 20 and 30 living there? Why couldn’t one of them get up off their ass and push the mower around? Now all I here is that I am being an ass and they are all asking my wife why I am being such a prick and not helping their mother anymore. Even my mother in law has been making comments to my wife about it. I am to the point that I don’t want anything to do with any of them. My mother in law does not think that her kids are doing anything wrong and that they do not need to help out. Give me a break they live there not me I have my own house to take care of. I have to stop now because the more I think about it the more frustrated I get.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

How are you in bed

You scored as A Slave To BDSM. Admit it, you like being tied up and being told you've been very naughty. You like teasing your partner and making them squirm, and not letting them be able to do anything about it. Some people think what you do is sick and disgusting, but you know it's all in good fun.

A Slave To BDSM


Sex God


A Romantic




How are you in bed
created with

After reading FireFly's and Sandra's blog I have to say Ummm Interesting! The fun I could have if I was single.

Monday, August 01, 2005

Harry Potter Quiz

Test Your Year 6 Harry Potter Knowledge with this quiz.

What's Your High School Stereotype?

You scored as Loner.





Drama nerd








Ghetto gangsta




What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

Interesting. I have to agree I do consider myself to be a loner. I also find the 50% Goth interesting. I have always been attracted to the Goth lifestyle and find Goth women very attractive.